Foodtechfanatics contains a range of resources which meet the requirements of the National Curriculum in Cookery and Nutrition, and GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition. The resources have been created to improve teaching and learning and raise standards.
Foodtechfanatics contains a range of resources which meet the requirements of the National Curriculum in Cookery and Nutrition, and GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition. The resources have been created to improve teaching and learning and raise standards.
This resource has been created to measure and evidence progression clearly during individual lessons. It can be edited and used across all subject areas to record subject development and stuck into exercise books or used in folders.
The students will assess their prior knowledge and skills by marking their Starting Point (SP) for each Learning Objective on the Learning Map sheet at the start of lessons. At the end of lessons, students can mark their Finishing Point (FP) against each Learning Objective- This will enable them to clearly measure their progression against the starting points and finishing points of the Learning Map.